Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Program

Bree top row, Knute middle row (right in front of Bree), Leif front row (almost in front of Knute, with a horse hood on).

 This was taken after the program and Leif did not want to put his horse hood back on for a picture because it was cookie time!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Leif and ball games

 Watching Dad's game
 Playing catch during Knute's game

Jamming at Vacation Bible School

Not the best recording, sorry!

Bree and Knute are right beside each other in the front.  Bree has on a pinkish shirt and a denim skirt.  Knute has on a green shirt and green shorts.  

This is their favorite song to jam to!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Brelynne's Softball

Bree as pitcher
 Bree as catcher

Knute's T-Ball

Up to bat!  He waves at a friend on the other team before he takes a swing.

 Leif talking to Knute in the dugout.

Mr. Knute in the red hat

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Yard Cleaning





